I advise only in questions relating to taxation law and in permissible legal questions (§ 5 Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz).
If a notary or lawyer is in addition needed, | like to establish the contact.
You have an excellent idea. Let us accompany you from the business idea to starting your company and make your vision come true!
We have acquired expert knowledge of all the problems which can arise during the start-up phase of a company and offer professional assistance and guidance in all implementation stages of your business idea. We offer custom-tailored solutions to companies of all sizes.
A comprehensive start-up plan considers all corporate sectors. The choice of legal form of your company is of particular importance, however. We therefore recommend that your use our professional consulting services in good time. Draw up a detailed plan of your way to self-employment with our assistance, to make sure that your start-up company will be successful.
Our services:
- Checking your business idea for feasibility
- Assistance in drawing up a concept
- Drawing up elaborate, detailed business plans
- Consulting with regard to the selection of legal form
- Drawing up a road map to founding a GmbH (private limited company) GmbH & Co KG (limited partnership with a limited liability company as general partner), enterprise company (UG)
- Consulting with regard to subsidies for start-ups
- Assistance in financing matters and meetings with the bank